Tuesday, January 20, 2009

oh yea...

And we are going to get an ultrasound video of Jack on the 3rd so you guys can see this little guy in action, finally. He's amazing and VERY active!! I've also been trying to catch him in the act of kicking the heck out of me. It's fun to watch my belly dance. Stay tuned!

Keith and I had a busy morning. We went to meet with a pediatrician and also had our 32 week checkup. Things went well with both. It’s hard to know with a pediatrician exactly what you want (since we’ve never had to find one before) but this lady seemed very nice. We’re still deciding though…

Our checkup appointment ran over a bit as we started asking a bunch of questions that we now have since we’ve started with our Bradley classes. She measured my belly and said that it was measuring at about 35 weeks yet I’m just under 33. This was a surprise because 2 weeks ago my belly was right on track. The gestational diabetes can cause the baby to be large, and even though my numbers have looked really good, my belly was still measuring a little big. Keith and I already knew that we would be having 2 more ultrasounds. Our first will be on Feb. 3rd, and will determine the size of Jack. We will have another at 38 weeks. This can have an effect on the delivery. Our doctor recommends that depending on Jack’s size, he be delivered BY March 15th (no later, which would mean if he didn’t come on his own I would be induced) and if his size is larger than 9.5 lbs that I have a c-section. This is her recommendation to make sure that Jack and I are both healthy after he is born. Again, this is all depending on how the ultrasounds read. Our doctor is very supportive of natural birth, especially for first time deliveries and is hoping that this will be the way it goes for us. My job is to continue to watch my diet (and blood sugar levels) and exercise. I have been already doing these things, so that means that as we all know, the rest is in God’s hands!

It gets exciting as time gets closer to when Jack will be here with us! Please pray for a smooth delivery, and that we can have the option to chose the delivery we really want. (Also that I will relax about all of this) This has definitely been an adventure so far and from what I hear, IT’S JUST BEGINNING!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

32 weeks!!

Can you believe I'm already 32 weeks?!!?!?

Jack has been spinning, kicking, and punching me ALL day today, and most days. I find myself getting up at least once a night now (God's natural preparation for the future), and pretty much every sitting/sleeping position is uncomfortable. If I'm sitting, I must lean back otherwise Jack's uncomfort causes me to be uncomfortable...kick kick, punch punch, move mom you're squishing me!

Keith and I have had a busy January which has made it FLY BY! We found out that we will be having 2 more ultrasounds due to my gestational diabetes (which has been controlled and balanced). We will get to see our son at 35 weeks and 38 weeks! I'm so excited to see him in there again!

Keith and I started our birth classes. We chose to naturally give birth using the Bradley Method. There is a lot of exercising and preparation! It keeps my thoughts busy, and I can't believe that he will be here in less than 7 weeks.

We are leaving next week to head to Idaho for my brother's wedding... That's surreal in itself. So many crazy things to happen in the next few weeks. God is amazing and has continued to bless us tremendously so far in 2009. Keith and I continue to put our effort towards glorifying him in our thoughts and actions.