Monday, May 16, 2011


The gifting continues.  God has gifted Keith creative freedom at his job, an opportunity to chase a passion he has and support to do so.  He has also gifted Keith with a raise in pay for all of his efforts (we got the news the SAME DAY we found out that the Jeep engine was possibly blown), and entrusted our family with these earthly resources that we may follow the Spirit's prompting and use them to glorify His kingdom.  The gifting never stops.  The insignificant things that we put so much weight in.  I believe God uses the small things to pull our ignorant earthly minds and eyes to the truth of his Love.  If it takes finding my cat hiding in a rose bush to bring me to my knees in gratitude and worship, then I'll take it.  He is jealous for me.
out searching for Louisa one morning

As I whine about my losses; my loss of sleep since my boys have decided 6am is a great time to wake up, the day my cat decided to disappear for 24 hours and only to be found after searching for her in a field with kids in tow, the loss of the attention of my baby who would rather try to walk than lay still and nurse like I'd want, and the loss of my milk supply as I adjust to pumping (with a chewed up tube.  Thanks again kitty...), the stresses of April pale in comparison to the depth of separation we are faced with apart from Christ.


Being blessed is nothing short of being a child of God.  Tangible gifts really don't deserve the title of "blessings" when you have the amazing grace of God and incomparable sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  I am blessed.  Unworthy of this and completely humbled by it.  God's promise of provision will never fail.  As I relish in each of these little "gifts" that bring me earthly joys, I stop to remember the GREATEST Gift that will bring me never-ending joy.  The kingdom of heaven that I've inherited as one that is poor in spirit, the fulfillment I'll receive to quench my hunger, the laughter that will drown out the tears of this lifetime.  THOSE are the blessings, THAT is the Greater story.
And turning His gaze toward His disciples, He began to say, Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.  Luke 6:20-21


Anonymous said...

we are blessed! what a blessing to be called his! and then he pours on blessings on top of it all....

MamaT said...


Laura said...

So true! It is so easy to focus on all our daily "problems", but they are not so big when we focus on Christ!

Mandy Goldbach said...

love this post Shanna! so blessed! may you look back on this in a difficult time and be reminded of God's blessings!! =) I'm so blessed to call you my sister twice!

Anonymous said...

Numa quarta-feira, coloque água num copo até a metade dele, em seguida coloque grãos de arroz, sendo que a quantidade de grãos deve ser igual à quantidade de quilos que você deseja perder. Por exemplo: se você quer perder 5 quilos, deve colocar no copo de água 5 grãos de arroz.
2º Na noite da quarta-feira (do mesmo dia que você fez a simpatia), você deve beber a água do copo, e deixar os grãos de arroz intactos dentro dele. Em seguida, é preciso colocar novamente água no copo até alcançar a metade dele.
3ºNa quinta-feira, você deve beber a água do copo logo pela manhã, e em jejum. Depois coloque novamente água no copo até a metade dele. Os grãos de arroz ser deixados intactos dentro do copo.
4º Na sexta-feira você precisa beber a água do copo, e beber os grãos de arroz junto com a água.
5º Depois de seguir esse ritual do copo, você precisa fazer cópias da simpatia. Você deve fazer cópias apenas das instruções da simpatia para emagrecer.
Importante: o número de cópias deve ser igual à quantidade de quilos que você deseja perder, por exemplo: se você deseja perder 5 quilos, deve fazer 5 cópias da simpatia e enviar para 5 cinco pessoas diferentes.